Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Official, Completed Storyboard

Green= seconds of the song + brief scene explanations in case my drawings are too sloppy.

 Basic Scene shot names and angles:
1Credits - first 40 seconds
2still medium shot (from behind canvas)
3medium shot, pan w/ ripping plastic
4over the shoulder close-up
5series of medium + close-ups
6close-up (shallow focus)
7Close up w/ pan right
8Long/lingering  focus pull from legs to head
9medium/close-up (both still)
10series: Close-ups + extreme close-up
11Close-up still
12Medium shot (Both pan and tilt following the brush) profile angle
13Insert action and eyeline match: Extreme close-up
14close up tilt down/ still medium shot/ still close-up (side/profile angle)
15focus pull long(ish) shot
16behind the canvas "over the shoulder" angle with still medium shot/ action match over the shoulder shot with shallow focus
17series: close-ups
18identical still medium shots
19Close-up still
20Jumpcuts: close-ups of face
21still medium shot
22high angle: long shot
23focus pull medium shot/ over the shoulder action match: close-up
24Series: Most are close-ups, sigh is a medium shot
25Medium shots (differing angles)
26Longshot/ action match: low angle medium shot
27close up, handheld + shaky movements follow erratic hand
28Series: close-ups, extreme close-ups
29Series: Medium shots
30Close-ups, extreme close-ups, medium shots, still, pan, low angles, profile angles... etc.
31Low Key Light: still extreme close-up
32Low Key Light: still close-up
33still medium shot
34Still long shot

I pulled a Todd Phillips... (Aka: I worked backward from the score)
 My sister Charlie and I went to sleep around 1 am yesterday cutting up the song and determining which scenes would suit the energy of the song. We also watched multiple artist/museum videos of artists at work to get a feel for which shots are the most used and which elements of the setting the character most interacted with. My twin sister is the cinephile of the family and has watched so many movies that she was able to give me very useful advice, despite not having much experience in filmmaking. Below our initial rough draft storyboard can be seen. This served as a starting off point for the storyboard above. It is very messy, so I would recommend whoever is reading this doesn't try to actually read it. I wrote it and I am still not entirely sure what I was thinking at the time.

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