Friday, February 28, 2020

I'm changing my genre

After a lot of consideration, I have made the decision of changing my genre. I know it is very risky and will definitely set me back, but I really want this project to reflect me as an artist and my abilities. I don't think I would have been able to achieve that success through the horror/ thriller genre I chose. At first, I was focused on making my film opening as simple to shoot as possible; I wanted to focus on the composition of the project alone. In my mind, the concept didn't matter as long as I showed off what I had learned in the year, why complicate my self doing something elaborate when I could easily show off the same skillset doing something more straightforward like horror.

Researching and brainstorming theses past few weeks made me realize that I know very little about horror movies. I don’t even watch horror movies because they scare me ad then I can’t sleep. My mother and sister are both thriller and horror movie fans and they encouraged me to pursue the genre. They continually gave me ideas for what I could do: a slasher film, a religious possession movie, thriller, etc. But I truthfully do not watch these types of movies and think I would run into a great deal of trouble recreating them. I think I tricked myself into thinking this genre would be the best for my schedule and ideas, but have now noticed this genre is not me.

I have decided to go with a…

Also known as a comedy and drama squished together.

These are the movies I most enjoy and watch; I am always in the mood for a casual, light-hearted film that does not take itself too seriously. Booksmart, Superbad, Crazy Stupid Love, and Mean Girls are some of my favorite movies that I am always down to watch. I can appreciate heavy dramas and tense thrillers, but comedic dramas are the only ones I crave to watch. I am really excited about this change and feel like my project will turn out better now that I am creating something that I am personally passionate about. I already have so many ideas for what I might want to do and can envision some of the shots and techniques I want to use.

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